В остальном же программа работает довольно мудро.Тщательно проверяет входные данные, сообщает об ошибках в ходе работы, не вычисляет хэш-код для заданного файла, файлов "." и "..". Хэш-код вычисляется с помощью исходных кодов функции MD5 (взято с сайта нашей кафедры). Вот. Вроде всё.
#include <stdio.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "md5.h" #define GENERATE 1 #define CHECK 0 #define ERR_OPENING 4 #define ERR_ARG 5 int usage(char *msg); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *dirlist; MD5_CTX mdContext; FILE *filep; FILE *fp; char dir[220]; char file[220]; char chkfile[256]; char hash[34]; char part_hash[2]; int mode = 2; int bytes, i; unsigned char data[1024]; if (argc < 6) { return usage("Too few arguments.\n"); } else if (argc > 6) { return usage("Too many arguments.\n"); } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i]++ == '-') { switch(*(argv[i])) { case 'g': if (mode == CHECK) { return usage("You already set option -c\n"); } mode = GENERATE; printf("Generate integrity mode activated.\n"); break; case 'c': if (mode == GENERATE) { return usage("You already set option -g\n"); } mode = CHECK; printf("Check integrity mode activated.\n"); break; case 'd': if (argc == i + 1) { return usage("You don't specified directory.\n"); } strcpy(dir, argv[i + 1]); strcat(dir, dir[strlen(dir) - 1] == '/' ? "" : "/"); break; case 'f': if (argc == i + 1) { return usage("You don't specified file.\n"); } strcpy(file, argv[i + 1]); break; default: return usage("Error! Unknown argument.\n"); break; } } } filep = fopen(file, mode == GENERATE ? "wt" : "rt"); if (filep == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open file specified file!\n"); return ERR_OPENING; } dp = opendir(dir); if (dp != NULL) { while ((dirlist = readdir(dp)) != 0) { if (!strcmp(dirlist-> d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirlist-> d_name, "..")) { continue; } if (!strcmp(dirlist-> d_name, file)) { continue; } strcpy(chkfile, ""); strcat(chkfile, dir); strcat(chkfile, dirlist-> d_name); //printf("Checked file: %s\n", chkfile); fp = fopen(chkfile, "rb"); strcpy(chkfile, ""); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Error opening file %s\n", dir); return ERR_OPENING; } MD5Init (&mdContext); while ((bytes = fread(data, 1, 1024, fp)) != 0) { MD5Update (&mdContext, data, bytes); } MD5Final (&mdContext); fclose(fp); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(part_hash, "%02x", mdContext.digest[i]); strcat(chkfile, part_hash); } strcat(chkfile, "\n"); if (mode == GENERATE) { fprintf(filep, "%s", chkfile); } else { fgets(hash, 34, filep); //printf("Comparing %s and %s\n", chkfile, hash); if (strcmp(chkfile, hash)) { printf("File integrity corrupt detected!\n"); return 0; } } } closedir(dp); } else { printf("Couldn't open specified directory\n"); return ERR_OPENING; } fclose(filep); printf("%s", mode == GENERATE ? "File integrity successful generated.\n" : "File integrity is not corrupted.\n"); return 0; } int usage(char *msg) { printf("Argument error.\n"); printf("%s", msg); printf("Usage: integrity\t[-g -d directory -f file] to generate integrity file\n"); printf("\t\t\t[-c -d directory -f file] to check directory integrity\n"); return ERR_ARG; }
jightuse1@debian:~/code/2701/course_work$ make gcc -Wall -o integrity integrity.c md5.c jightuse1@debian:~/code/2701/course_work$ ./integrity -g -d . -f test Generate integrity mode activated. File integrity successful generated. jightuse1@debian:~/code/2701/course_work$ cat test 8801e49c277245731de1651cc92580ac 69be7b8c2356971993b5c571bc26d03a 2128dcde0c3cceeaaa74568200383828 91248fe33a48d557eb77a21b08506b15 13e18c11875db296a1b7e21fb0b9f23e 52f6c5476ae41bad2fa6af21f0d286b0 3d436d38da78eef0cda531f5b0e63afb 47b950cc631fa34d7af94b5bffa5ee9d jightuse1@debian:~/code/2701/course_work$ ./integrity -c -d . -f test Check integrity mode activated. File integrity is not corrupted. jightuse1@debian:~/code/2701/course_work$
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